Starting obedience training with your puppy at three months old is key to raising a well-behaved dog. This guide will explain why these classes matter and what you and your puppy will learn from them.

We will discuss the basic commands that are essential for your dog’s training, how they differ from tricks, and the right timing to train your puppy. We’ll also touch on more complex commands and offer tips to get the most out of your training sessions.

Understanding the training process, from simple commands to more advanced ones, will help ensure your puppy becomes a disciplined and obedient dog.

The Importance of Obedience Training

owner holding a leashed puppy sitting

Obedience classes are crucial for building a solid base for your dog’s training, focusing on creating a strong bond rather than just learning tricks. Training helps minimize destructive behavior and enhances safety by teaching dogs proper behavior in various situations.

The training is not only about commands but also key for the puppy’s overall development. It helps your dog learn essential skills such as responding to commands, walking on a leash without pulling, and behaving around strangers and other animals.

Starting training at an early age is highly beneficial. While beginning at four months is still effective, starting as early as three months is ideal to take full advantage of a puppy’s learning capacity.

Puppies at this age are incredibly receptive and eager to learn, absorbing information quickly and adapting to new environments and routines with ease.

Since puppies are developing their social skills at this age, early training is a pivotal step in ensuring they mature into well-mannered adult dogs.

What to Expect in Obedience Classes

Obedience classes include basic behaviors and commands to teach your dog in order to make them behaved and obedient. These classes are administered by trainers with experience who will guide both the puppy and the owner in the training process. 

Common obedience classes include commands such as sit, stay, come, down, leave it, heel, focus, and quiet. These are the commands that form the foundation of effective communication between the dog and the owner.

Customizing Training for a 3-Month-Old Puppy

To effectively tailor training for your 3-month-old puppy, consider these comprehensive suggestions:

  • Short and Engaging Sessions: Keep training sessions to 5-10 minutes, spaced out through the day to accommodate the puppy’s short attention span.
  • Basic Commands: Start with fundamental commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘down’, using positive reinforcement like treats and praise.
  • Socialization: Introduce your puppy to a variety of people, animals, and environments to build social skills and confidence.
  • Potty Training: Establish a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks and praise your puppy for going outside to reinforce this behavior.
  • Consistency in Routine: Create a daily routine that includes set times for feeding, training, and potty breaks.
  • Patience and Understanding: Be patient with your puppy’s progress and understand that mistakes are part of the learning process.
  • Professional Guidance: Consider enrolling in a puppy class for expert advice and to help your puppy learn to concentrate with distractions present.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use treats, toys, and praise to encourage good behavior, avoiding negative methods to maintain a positive learning environment and bond.

Following these guidelines will help ensure that your puppy’s training is effective, enjoyable, and sets the stage for a well-behaved adult dog.

Essential Dog Commands to Start With

Starting with essential dog commands is a fundamental aspect of puppy training. These commands not only help in managing your puppy’s behavior but also ensure their safety and help them become well-adjusted companions.

Below is a list of the basic commands to teach your dog are useful to train your 3 month old puppy:

Command Purpose Importance for Puppy Training
Sit Manages behavior and teaches patience. Foundational for good behavior.
Stay Keeps the puppy safe and under control in potential danger. Critical for safety in various situations.
Come Ensures the puppy’s safety by coming when called. Essential for recall and preventing mishaps.
Down Encourages relaxation and prevents undesirable behaviors. Useful for creating a calm demeanor.
Leave it Prevents the puppy from picking up or chewing harmful items. Important for safety and preventing bad habits.
Heel Teaches the puppy to walk nicely on a leash for outdoor activities. Necessary for controlled and enjoyable walks.
Focus Aids in training by keeping the puppy attentive. Key for effective training sessions.
Quiet Reduces barking and promotes a peaceful environment. Important for a quiet and harmonious home.

Tricks vs Commands: What’s the Difference?

hand petting a dog

Command training differs a lot from the dog tricks to teach in a sense that dog tricks are focused on fun and entertainment whereas commands promote safety and obedience.

Tricks Commands
Usually for entertainment or to show off the dog’s skills. Used for obedience and to ensure the dog’s safety.
Can be complex or simple, like rolling over or playing dead. Simple and direct, like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, or ‘come’.
Not essential for the dog’s safety or obedience. Important for controlling the dog in various situations.
Often taught after basic commands are learned. Usually taught first to establish basic discipline in dogs.

How Long Does It Take to Train a Puppy?

running puppy with toy on its mouth

The length of time needed to train a puppy varies depending on some factors which may include the breed, temperament of the puppy, training consistency, and the commands that are being taught. 

Generally, significant results may be seen after several weeks or months of obedience training. It should be remembered that patience and consistency are the secret, though normally, puppies may have setbacks while under training.

Below are the factors that influence the duration of the puppy’s training:

  • Breeddog breeds vary in their interest in training than other dogs, and some need more time and patience.
  • Temperament – A puppy’s disposition and individual personality impacts the speed of the training’s progress. 
  • Consistency – It is vital to have regular and consistent training sessions to achieve fast results.
  • Age – Starting early as with a 3-month-old puppy leads to a faster progress.
  • Trainer’s Skill – A faster learning process can be ensured with a knowledgeable and experienced trainer.

Advanced Commands to Teach Your Dog

Once the basic training has been mastered by your puppy, more advanced commands may be taught to improve their capabilities and obedience. Among the advanced commands are:

Command Purpose When to Start
Place Helps the dog to identify and return to a set spot, beneficial for behavior management. As early as 3 months old
Down-Stay Requires the puppy to lie down and stay put, demanding more patience than a simple ‘stay’. As early as 3 months old
Recall Under Distraction Crucial for safety; the dog must come when called, even with distractions. After mastering basic recall
Stand Useful during veterinary exams and grooming, teaches the dog to stand still. As early as 3 months old
Emergency Recall A vital command for immediate response in urgent situations. As early as possible, it’s a safety command
Leave It/Drop It Redirects the dog’s attention from potentially harmful objects. As early as 3 months old
Back-Up Teaches the dog to move backward in narrow spaces. As early as 3 months old

With these advanced commands, your dog will be equipped with more skills and improve their obedience.

Trying to teach you pup some dog commands? You might want to read post about Why Clicker Training Might Be the Breakthrough Your Dog Needs

Tips for Making the Most of Obedience Classes

Maximizing the benefits of obedience classes can greatly enhance your dog’s learning experience and behavior. These sessions are more than just teaching commands; they’re about building a bond and setting the groundwork for your dog’s future conduct. 

Here are some valuable tips to help you and your dog get the most out of obedience training classes:

  • Choose the Right Trainer: Choose an experienced trainer who integrates positive reinforcement techniques in training.
  • Be Consistent: Consistently train your puppy by following training routines and schedules and using the same commands and cues.
  • Continue Practicing at Home: Make your puppy apply the learnings at home.
  • Be Patient and Use Positive Reinforcement: Stay patient while training your puppy and give rewards for good behavior.
  • Engage Them in Socialization: Exposure to people, other animals, and different environments trains your puppy to have a well-rounded behavior.
  • Keep Training Sessions Short but Fun: Consider the short attention span of 3-month-old puppies by keeping the training sessions short and engaging.
  • Avoid Harsh Punishments: Using harsh punishment makes the puppy lose its trust and confidence in you.
  • Progress Gradually: More complex commands may be introduced as you see your puppy become more skillful in doing the basics.


Obedience classes for dogs are essential for raising a well-trained and well-behaved dog. As early as with a 3-month-old puppy, it could be ensured they will be a confident and well-adjusted pet. The fundamental commands taught at a young age serve as a strong foundation for advanced training, later tricks can be introduced for more fun and engagement.

Training a puppy requires time and patience, but all efforts will be worth it as this would lead to a lifelong bond built with love, harmony, and trust between you and your puppy. Start obedience classes now and your puppy will thank you for investing in its future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I start training my 4-month old puppy, or is 3 months the ideal age?

Certainly, you can start training your 4-month-old puppy, although 3 months is more advantageous since this is the age puppies are most receptive. But with consistent training and positive reinforcements, success can be attained at any age. 

To have the right training tools and products, check it out in our online store. We offer a range of training must-haves from treats, leashes, and more! These tools are designed specifically to help you train your puppy to become a well-trained companion.

How do I choose the right obedience class for my puppy?

It is important to choose an experienced trainer who uses positive reinforcement in training your puppy. To upgrade your training experience, check for informative guides and resources in our store to help you learn more about choosing the right trainer and obedience classes.

Can I teach my puppy tricks alongside commands, or should I focus solely on commands first?

Establishing a strong foundation of commands is recommended even before introducing tricks. Commands must be taught first for these are essential for safety and obedience, tricks may be taught once the basics have been learned and mastered. 

Discover the Perfect Training Toys for Your Puppy at Hound Games!

Invest in your puppy’s future by taking the first step in providing the best resources you need for a well-trained and well-loved pet. 

Visit our store now and choose a range of tools and treats that will not only make your puppy’s obedience training successful, but also enjoyable. Your furry companion deserves nothing but the best and we got you the resources that you exactly need!