Puppyhood is an exciting yet challenging stage for both dogs and their owners. As their little teeth peek through, your fur babies will want to munch on just about anything within their reach.

Instead of letting them chew on toys alone, why don’t you try a more natural and tasty solution? One popular treat that can make those teething woes gone is frozen fruits, like bananas!

So, frozen banana for teething puppy: is it ok?

The short answer is yes! Frozen bananas are perfectly safe as teething treats for your pup.

In this article, you’ll learn more about feeding frozen bananas to teething puppies. We’ll also guide you on how to provide the best care for them during this challenging stage.

a banana peel on a pug's face

Can Puppies Eat Frozen Bananas?

Chewing something cold is beneficial to a puppy’s teething process. It helps relieve the oral pain and swelling that puppies go through during this stage. It also helps them recover quickly.

Feeding puppies with frozen bananas is a great way to soothe sore gums during teething. Bananas are a healthy treat for dogs, as they are low in fat and high in fiber. It also contains potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and more essential nutrients.

When feeding bananas to your puppy, it’s best to cut them into small pieces first. This prevents choking and makes the treat a lot easier to eat.

Additionally, just like with any new food, it’s always a good idea to introduce frozen bananas to your pup gradually. Feed it in small amounts first to monitor any potential allergic reactions.

Moreover, while bananas are safe for puppies, we shouldn’t include peels as they can cause digestive problems and blockages. Also, make sure to remove any strings before giving the bananas to your puppy.

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Can I Give My Dog a Whole Frozen Banana?

While bananas are generally safe for dogs to eat, feeding your dog a whole frozen banana can cause various issues. This includes stomach problems, nutrient overload, and choking.

When it comes to food portions, giving a whole banana to dogs can induce choking, especially in puppies. It’s always recommended to slice the bananas into small bits first, so dogs won’t have trouble swallowing the slippery fruit.

In terms of the canine diet, a whole banana isn’t typically suggested for both dog and puppy diets. Despite being known as one of the most nutritious fruits, too many bananas can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, and indigestion in our fur babies.

How Much Frozen Banana Can a Puppy Have?

The amount of frozen bananas a puppy can have depends on various factors, including your pup’s size, weight, age, and overall health condition.

Generally, dogs shouldn’t consume more than 10% of their daily caloric intake from fruits and vegetables, including bananas. So, it’s ideal to start with only 2-3 slices of frozen bananas daily.

It’s important to note that frozen bananas should only be given as treats and should not replace a dog’s daily meal intake. We recommend you consult a veterinarian for a detailed diet plan for your puppy.

frozen banana in a bowl

How Much Banana Can a Puppy Eat?

Bananas are one of the healthiest treats you can give to your furry friends. However, these are high in sugar, which can cause digestive problems, weight gain, and other health problems if fed in excessive portions.

Just like with frozen bananas, limiting your pup’s banana intake to 2-3 slices per day is highly recommended. Once your furry friends mature enough, you can increase their daily intake to half of a banana.

Remember, the recommended portions may seem small for you, but a little goes a long way for our canine friends!

What Can I Freeze for My Puppy to Chew On?

Here are some food items that you can freeze to make treats perfect for teething puppies:

  • Ice cubes
  • Chicken or beef broth
  • Peanut butter
  • Fruits and vegetables such as bananas, carrots, and blueberries
  • Yogurt

To make these refreshing frozen treats, just freeze any of the items on an ice cube tray or silicone mold.

Before serving, remember that some items, such as peanut butter, fruits, and yogurt should only be given in moderation.

In addition, make sure to serve each treat in small portions to avoid choking risks.

Are you interested in this: 37 Tasty Foods Your Puppy Can and Cannot Eat

What Can I Put On My Puppy Gums for Teething?

To soothe and relieve your pup’s teething discomfort, there are various items that you can put on your puppy’s gums that can serve as a “cold pack.”

Here are some options you may want to consider:

  • Teething Gels: Various available teething gels will help soothe teething puppies’ oral discomfort.
  • Cold Chew Toys: Freeze those chew toys specifically designed for teething puppies that are softer and more durable.
  • Frozen Food: As mentioned before, freezing food items such as fruits, yogurt, and peanut butter is a great way to make an instant teething treat.
  • Frozen Items: Freeze a washcloth or a piece of rope for your puppy to chew on, this will help numb their gums and relieve discomfort.

Remember, always supervise your puppy while chewing on any of these items. Replace the non-edible ones as soon as they show signs of wear.

teething puppy

Wrapping Up

Frozen bananas are one of the healthiest treats you can give to your teething puppies. The coldness of the fruits can help relieve oral pain and swelling during teething while giving them essential nutrients.

However, it’s essential to keep portions in mind and not give them too much. An excessive amount of bananas may cause various health issues such as diarrhea, indigestion, and stomach ache.

Moreover, make sure to slice the bananas into small pieces to prevent any risks of choking. Also, don’t forget to remove the peel, strings, and seeds!

Aside from bananas, we’ve also explored different options that will help the teething woes of your canine friends, including chew toys, frozen washcloths, teething gels, and more.

With a little creativity and careful consideration, you can make teething a little more fun for you and your pup!