Playing fetch is one of the best ways to bond with your pet and have fun together. It’s also a perfect outlet for their energy.

Unfortunately, the game won’t be fun when your puppy doesn’t drop the ball after fetching it. So, you’re probably wondering why my dog won’t drop the ball!

Don’t fret, as in this article, we’ll help you teach your dog to drop the ball. So, keep reading to enjoy a game of classic fetch with your furry friend.

Why Does My Dog Refuse to Drop the Ball?

Your dog might be thinking this is part of the game! Some pups also have possessive aggression, so they guard their toys.

In simpler terms, your dog might be thinking that the ball is valuable, especially since it’s connected with playtime. If you deal with this issue the wrong way, your canine friend may develop an insecurity or a fear of letting go of the ball.

How Do I Get My Dog to Drop the Ball?

There’s an easy trick to reduce your dog’s toy-guarding urge. It’s as simple as offering your friend several toys at hand during playtime.

To elaborate, you can offer the dog several other toys in exchange for the ball he fetched. Your little buddy won’t think twice about dropping the ball in their mouth.

After that, it’s important to throw another toy or ball for them to fetch. That’ll teach them to drop any ball and enjoy the game.

Training Your Dog to Drop It

Woman is training her dog in a garden

Teaching your pet the drop-it command is easy. You can start by picking an object your hound already put in their mouth, like a stuffed animal.

Then, give the toy to your pup along with a cue, such as “take it.” You might want to shake the toy around to increase the excitement.

Once your buddy takes the toy in their mouth, tell them to “drop it” and place their favorite treat in front of their nose. As soon as your dog drops the toy, reward them with the treat.

After that, repeat the process using the “take it” and “drop it” cues. When your dog fully understands these cues, you can phase out the treat.

To do so, give the usual cues, and then hold your empty hand, shaped as if you’re holding a treat, in front of them.

In the next training session, you can gradually increase the time your little friend holds the toy in their mouth before giving them the “drop it” cue.

If the pupper drops the ball before giving the cue, don’t reward them. Instead, ask them to take the toy again, and give the “drop it” command a little sooner.

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Training Your Dog to Play Fetch

If your pup won’t drop the ball, you probably haven’t taught them the rules of the game!

Don’t worry. Teaching them how to play fetch is an easy process. Yet, it’ll be much easier if you’ve already taught them commands like “come-when-called” and “drop it”.

To teach your dog how to play fetch, it’s best to start with a simple indoor training session. First, you want to introduce the tennis ball to them. Let them explore the toy and interact with it.

Second, you can build on this by introducing the tossing move. Just toss the ball a short distance and reward your puppy if they pick it up. After that, you can increase the distance by a few inches at a time.

The goal is to break down the fetching game into small behaviors. If you start with the ball next to you and immediately throw it across the yard, it’ll be too much for your puppy to understand.

After your friend becomes an expert at this game, you can alternate between asking them to get the ball or another toy you’ve placed away from them. You can also change the ball or the toy every once in a while.

This process can take some time and consistent practice, so be patient!

What if My Stubborn Dog Won’t Drop It?

Dog holding tennis ball

Remember that your pup doesn’t understand the rules of the game. So, you shouldn’t be mad at them.

In addition, teaching your dog to fetch the ball takes time and practice. You might use some treats to help them learn the process faster.

You can also try to be more positive to increase your dog’s excitement about giving the ball back to you.

If that doesn’t work, you might have to end playtime and control the situation. While it may sound harsh, you can walk away from your pup and ignore their requests for more playtime for at least 15 minutes.

It’ll teach your hound that when they don’t give up the ball, the game stops.

Why Won’t My Dog Give Me the Ball When We Play Fetch?

Your pupper won’t give you the ball simply because they perceive dropping it as a sort of punishment. Of course, they don’t want playtime to be over, so they try to keep the ball for themselves.

Should I Force Fetch My Dog?

If you still can’t teach your canine to drop the ball, you shouldn’t try to tug it away from him. This will negatively reinforce the behavior, not to mention how it can be dangerous for your dog and you.

Pulling the ball too hard might damage your pet’s teeth. Alternatively, your pupper might become aggressive and bite you in his efforts to guard the toy.

Generally, no matter how stubborn your puppy is, you should never use negative training methods like punishing or yelling at them.

Why Does My Dog Play Keep Away Instead of Fetch?

Dog Playing Fetch Outdoors

Dogs love to play keep away all the time, and the game of fetch is a great opportunity for them to do so. So, if your canine doesn’t bring back the toy, you should focus on teaching them helpful cues, like the drop-it one.

Additionally, some pups might lose interest in fetch. It probably happens when they don’t get enough enjoyment or positive reinforcement out of this game. They might also think that if they get caught, you’ll take the ball, and the fun will end.

Generally, the game of chase might not be fun for you, but it can be super exciting for your fluff ball. That’s a natural behavior that dogs learn at a young age.

Are There Any Benefits to Teaching Your Dog How to Fetch?

Yes! Teaching your pup the game of fetch can stimulate their little brain, improving their concentration and focus.

It’s also a fun way to have your dog exercise, not to mention that you’ll be teaching your pup self-control and obedience.

Not only that, but it helps strengthen your bond with your little friend. It’s the perfect fun activity that you and your pet can enjoy.

Wrapping Up

So, what can I do when my dog won’t drop the ball?

You should take it easy on your buddy, as they don’t know the rules of this fun game. To teach them how to fetch, you need to slowly build up the training.

Start the training indoors, and grab some of your pup’s favorite toys. At first, you can throw the toy a small distance and reward them when they bring it to you.

If they don’t drop the ball, you can offer them a high-value treat or another toy. In all cases, you shouldn’t pull the toy from your dog’s mouth. Instead, if they refuse to drop it, you can end playtime and ignore them for a while.