Having a dog door lets you have some peace of mind, especially if your pup is active and loves playing all day long. So, you invest in a dog door, but your dog keeps waiting for you to let them outside. Well, that can be a bummer!

You’re probably asking yourself why my dog won’t use the dog door! Look no further for the answer, as we’ll tell you about the reasons behind this behavior. We’ll also tell you how to train your doggo to use it.

Why Isn’t My Dog Using the Doggie Door?

Various reasons can lead your dog to not use the new door. Here are some of them:

1. Your Pup Might Be Scared of It

If your dog is a scaredy cat, they might be too scared of this door. They may have associated it with something negative, like the installation noises that scared them.

In this case, it can take your dog some time to get used to the door. So, be patient and use a lot of positive reinforcement, like giving your pup a treat whenever they go near the door.

But what if they also don’t want your treat? You might need to read our post Puppy Doesn’t Like Treats: Why and What to do

2. The Door Is Too Small for Your Dog

Do you have a chubby puppy? Well, you might have picked the wrong door size.

If passing through the door is a tough process for them, your dog won’t use it. So, make sure to accurately measure your doggie’s width and height before buying a pet door.

You want to pick a door that’s a little larger in every direction.

3. Your Dog Doesn’t Know How to Use It

The moving flap might seem like an easy mechanism to you, but for your dog, it’s something they don’t understand. They might even think it’s a wall.

That’s why you shouldn’t try to push your dog through the door or punish them for not using it. Instead, you should teach them how it works and help them make a positive association with using the new door.

How Do You Train a Stubborn Dog to Use a Doggie Door?

Training your doggo to use the dog door is easy, but you should be patient. Taking baby steps with your little friend will help them with the desensitization process.

That said, you can follow these steps to train your stubborn canine:

1. Show Them the Door

Start by showing your puppy the new door from afar. Then, add a couple of their favorite treats in front of it.

When your furry friend approaches the door, start moving the flap back and forth while giving them verbal encouragement. That’ll show them it’s not a scary thing!

2. Encourage the Pup to Explore

Whenever your dog engages with the doggy door flap, give them plenty of praise and reward them. You should encourage even the slightest behavior, like sniffing the flap.

3. Teach Them to Pass Through

Small dog being trained to use doggie door in home

After your canine becomes comfortable with the flap, it’s time to show them how to use it. To do so, hold the flap open and add some of your pup’s favorite toys and treats on the other side.

You can stand outside or stay next to your hound to encourage them to pass but don’t push them through the door.

When your doggie goes through the door, make sure to reward that behavior and praise them. Another technique is to toss the treats outside through the flap. That’ll show them that the flap isn’t scary.

4. Show Your Pup How It Works

When your doggo is comfortable using the open flap, it’s time to close it! Leave some treats on the outside and stand next to your little buddy.

Then, push the flap a little to show your dog what’s waiting for him on the other side.

5. Close the Flaps

After your dog is comfortable going through the flaps, you can start leaving them closed.

Continue using lots of praise, treats, and toys to help your puppy understand that it’s a good thing.

6. Stop Using Treats

The last step is to remove the treats from the process. You can do so after your dog starts using the door independently.

How Long Does It Take a Dog to Get Used to a Dog Door?

A cute golden dog looking through a doggie door

It’s hard to tell how long it can take your little friend to comfortably use a doggie door. Some dogs can figure it out without needing a training session.

Other dogs can take days or even weeks of training to use the door. On average, most puppies should be using the door independently within a week of training.

In all cases, you should be patient and give your pup the time they need to become comfortable using the door.

Why Won’t My Puppy Use the Dog Door At Night?

If your dog doesn’t use the pup door at night, it might be because they’re afraid of the dark. They might also think that it’s not okay to go out at night.

So, you can repeat the same training process in the evening to encourage your dog to use the door.

At What Age Can a Puppy Use a Dog Door?

Puppers typically use a dog door at around four to six months of age. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t let your dog go outside unattended until they’re at least six months old, especially if you have a pool.

If your puppy loves exploring, it might be a good idea to lock the door or keep them in a small, confined area.

How Do I Get My Dog to Pee Outside and Use a Dog Door?

Training your dog to pee outside and use the dog door can make your life a lot easier! You won’t have to go out for late-night pee-pee walks!

First, you need to teach them how to use the door using the steps we’ve previously mentioned.

Then, you should wait until your furry friend is completely comfortable using the door before proceeding to the next step. Teaching them another thing at the same time can be overwhelming.

Afterward, it’s time to potty train your puppy outside. If you use a potty pad inside the house, move it outside to an area that’s visible to them when they come out through the door.

You can still train your dog to pee outside if you don’t use potty pads. When your pet shows signs that they need to pee, encourage them to use the door by using treats and toys.

Why Does My Dog Wait for Permission to Use the Dog Door?

A dog standing in front of a glass door

Who doesn’t love a good dog who waits for their owner’s permission? Yet, you might want them to use the dog door freely without your approval.

That can happen in the early training phase. Your dog might not be fully ready to use the door independently. So, give your friend a little more time.

If your dog still waits for permission after a long period of training, they might be tricking you into giving them treats! In that case, remove the treats from the process.

What Should I Do When My Dog Won’t Come Back Through the Door?

Spoiler alert: Your dog might love the freedom of going outside a little bit too much. So, they’ll go outside through the door and refuse to come back.

In that case, it’s essential to teach your dog to come when called. This command is essential to your dog’s overall safety, not just to call them inside.

You can practice this command indoors at first. Then, you can train your dog to come inside when you call them.

Wrapping Up

So, what should I do when my dog won’t use the dog door?

The door mechanism might be confusing to your little friend. As such, start by showing them how it works and that there’s nothing they should be scared of.

Then, you can use praise and treats to encourage them to go through the door. All in all, it can take around one week for your fluff ball to get the hang of the new door.