Barking is one of the many ways dogs communicate with each other and with us. It’s natural that they should bark. But that being said, it’s not much fun when our dogs are barking in the middle of the night. So why do they do it, and how do we get them to settle down for bedtime?

Why does my dog bark at night?

There are a couple of reasons why dogs bark at night. One reason is that dogs have a good sense of hearing, so they may be responding to hearing things happening outside, like other dogs barking, cars going by, or even raccoons going through the garbage. The other reason dogs may bark at night is because of boredom and feeling like they need attention even though everyone else is asleep.

One other reason dogs might bark at night is because of anxiety. They may feel anxious when they are alone or when everyone else is asleep. Older dogs especially can be more prone to experiencing anxiety, especially at night.

Some dogs even develop a condition similar to dementia, which is called canine cognitive dysfunction. This decline in their cognitive function can cause dogs to become forgetful and confused, which then translates into anxiety which often results in barking.

And of course, there’s the possibility that your dog is warning you of an intruder!

dog barking at night at robber

How to stop my dog from barking at night?

To stop a dog from barking at night, one of the best things you can do is ensure that they have had a busy day with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. If a dog has been sleeping all day with no exercise, they may have excess energy at night, and with little else to do, they can bark.

The other thing to consider is to make sure your dog has a dedicated space for sleeping, whether it is in bed sleeping with you, on the floor at the side of your bed, or on their own bed in the living room.

If your dog is barking because they are reacting to noises they hear outside, consider playing some background white noise or gentle classical music.

Also, it’s important to remember to resist the urge to go to your dog when they are barking at night in an attempt to soothe them. Often, your presence will only encourage the dog in their bad behavior. This is especially true if they are wanting your attention.

When they stop barking, that is a good time to go and soothe them from any anxiety they may be feeling. If you think the barking is caused by anxiety then you can try a quality Hemp calming supplement such as this one from Grateful Paws.

If the barking doesn’t stop, then you can also try an interrupter. Fill a can with some change and when they bark, say a command, such as ‘stop barking’. Then shake the can. When they look at you and stop barking, give them a treat. If you are consistent with this method, they will associate the command with the action of stopping the bark.

Sometimes a good enrichment toy before night can be a good way to burn off some mental energy. Be sure to read our post, The 20 Best Dog Enrichment Toys

Why does my dog bark in their crate at night?

One reason a dog may bark in their crate at night is that he or she doesn’t like to be alone. Dogs are pack animals and like to be close to their pack. When they’re all alone in their kennel, and you go into your bedroom, your dog may bark because they are lonely and want their pack back together.

Try putting the crate in your bedroom with you and see if that helps your pup feel more comfortable. Sometimes though, dogs just aren’t ready to sleep when we are. In cases like these, it can be okay to supply your dog with some treats or a safe chew toy to distract and entertain them for the night.

Finally, a reason a dog may bark in their crate at night is that they need to go outside to go potty. No one loves waking up and having to go to the bathroom. But dogs, especially, don’t like it when they have nowhere to go to the bathroom and they will do everything they can to avoid soiling their sleeping area like their crate.

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Let Puppy Drink Water at Night: Yes, No, How Much?

Is it Cruel to Crate a Dog at Night? (Yes or No)

dog in crate barking at night

Dog barks at night: is it a ghost?

While there is little to no hard evidence that ghosts actually exist, it may be possible that our dogs can see them or hear them if they really do exist. In fact, in many ancient cultures, dogs were kept by families in order to provide protection to the families from evil spirits.

We all know that dogs can hear far better than humans can, so it would make perfect sense that a dog might be able to pick up on other sounds we can’t hear or even other energies we can’t feel or sense.

Dogs are also able to see well in low-light conditions. Though they may not be able to see colors as humans do, dogs still have excellent vision. Unfortunately, we may never know if dogs can see or sense ghosts, but if you ask me, they definitely can!

Is there a spiritual meaning behind dogs barking at night?

The answer to this question is that it depends on who you ask. Spirituality and spiritual meanings are something that are highly individualized, meaning that it can be different from one person to the next. And since spirituality is not something that can be proven or disproven, it ends up just boiling down to the individual person (or dog) in question.

Some people believe that their dog’s barking at night is a spiritual representation of something else, while others may just think that their dog is being obnoxious.

Why would my dog bark at nothing?

Chances are your dog actually isn’t actually barking at nothing. Dogs have hearing that is significantly better than ours. You probably just can’t hear what your dog is hearing.

For example, dogs can hear higher-pitched sounds than we can. And when sounds are at such high frequencies, even if they are really soft and quiet, dogs can still easily hear them- even something as quiet as a mouse squeaking and shuffling its feet behind the wall in the next room.

Moreover, our dogs have an amazing sense of smell, which could be another reason why our dogs sometimes seemingly bark at nothing. Have you ever been “scolded” by your dog for coming home after petting another dog? Your dog is scolding you or barking at you because he smells another dog on you!

Should you ignore your dog barking at night?

This will depend on how your dog is barking at night. If they usually don’t bark at night and something has spooked them, then it’s best to check on what that might be. Usually it will be something they heard in the vicinity, so it might be worth a look out the window.

If your dog has a habit of barking at night because of anxiety, boredom, or they want to play, then it’s best to ignore the nuisance barking as best you can.

Many of us make the mistake of calling out to our dog and telling them to be quiet or going to them and comforting them. But unfortunately, once this happens, our dogs learn that barking and whining gets our attention and will get us to come and interact with them.

If your dog is barking at night because of boredom or wanting attention, the best thing you can do is pop in some earplugs and turn on some white noise and ignore it. Be prepared because what often happens is that the barking will get worse before it gets better!

My dog started suddenly barking at night and never did it before

If your dog has never barked at night before, don’t ignore the sudden change. It is possible that your dog is trying to tell you something important.

They may need to go outside to use the bathroom or they may be warning you! It could also be that your dog has a medical issue and if you have eliminated other reasons and your dog is showing signs that they may be sick, then you should consider taking your dog to the vet.

Also, monitor your dog when you take them outside to see if their urine and stool are the same color/consistency as usual. It could also just be that they have an upset stomach because they ate something they shouldn’t have or because they ate too much before bed or drank too much water before bed.

Final thoughts

Even though barking can sometimes be annoying, especially at night, just remember that barking is a part of a dog’s nature. It’s their natural instinct. It’s our job to teach them and remind them how to be good canine citizens of the world and not wake the neighbors!

Even if they bark a little bit at night, it sure is worth it to wake up to a happy dog smiling at you with its little tail wagging!